UPDATED: scroll down for a statement from the Alpha Alumnae Association.
Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority has it's origins in the Alpha Literary Society of the Potsdam Normal School, and the first minutes of this organization were recorded in 1869. On January 12, 1929, Alpha Delta became one of nine chapters of the statewide Alpha Delta Sorority which was founded at the Brockport Normal School in 1886.
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1929 yearbook |
That's a lot of history.
Just this summer the Alpha Alumni Association worked to improve their beautiful home at 46 Elm Street, so they are being good, tax-paying residents of Potsdam as well.
Just this summer the Alpha Alumni Association worked to improve their beautiful home at 46 Elm Street, so they are being good, tax-paying residents of Potsdam as well.
We all know that Alpha and Ago have been temporarily banned by SUNY Potsdam. The good news is that Ago will be participating in spring rush next year, in order to recolonize their sorority. The bad news is that Alpha, with no active members left on campus, has been denied the opportunity to recolonize. They are appealing this ruling and a final decision will be made by the school on Thursday, November 19, 2015.
There are many aspects of this ruling that don't sound right to me, but the bottom line is this:
Are you okay with SUNY Potsdam permanently banning a sorority that has been part of the school since 1869? Or pick the 1929 date if that makes more sense to you. Either way - is that okay?
Is it okay that they completely wipe away an organization that has decades of alumni who want to help current students experience the friendship, leadership opportunities and "home away from home" that the sorority provided to them?
Let's assume that recently active members did something stupid/illegal and the suspension was warranted, does that make it okay to completely erase this organization from campus? Permanently? Should the actions of one, or a few members cause a 100+ year old organization to cease to exist?
Let's assume that recently active members did something stupid/illegal and the suspension was warranted, does that make it okay to completely erase this organization from campus? Permanently? Should the actions of one, or a few members cause a 100+ year old organization to cease to exist?
Does this make sense to you?
If you think Alpha deserves the opportunity to recolonize, TODAY is the day to do something about it. Here are some suggestions:
- Post something on the SUNY Potsdam Facebook page. Make sure you add your year of graduation, so they know you're an alumni.
- Post something on the SUNY Potsdam Alumni Facebook page, and include your year of graduation.
- Post to Twitter, and tag @sunypotsdam1816
- Email the administration, here are some names and emails:
- Annette Robbins, Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards robbinal@potsdam.edu
- Alumni Board of Trustees: ajkellogg@aol.com. paestem191@potsdam.edu, nelsonca@potsdam.edu, prescor@potsdam.edu, jpbweekdayman@gmail.com, kaitlyn.beachner@suny.edu, tbett004@plattsburgh.edu, vernicechurch@yahoo.com, ccmcalli@syr.edu, mcotty7@gmail.com, lcevans@verizon.net, lcevans@verizon.net, k.fordham@me.com, kgigl@albanylaw.edu, rob@pilot-consulting.com, gary103055@aol.com, rbh4music@gmail.com, lahendmf191@potsdam.edu, bmcdowel@twcny.rr.com, moquinja191@potsdam.edu, d_shuster@yahoo.com, dtompki1@twcny.rr.com, washbujb191@potsdam.edu
- Julie Dold, Coordinator of Greek Life doldjm@potsdam.edu
- Greek Life Task Force GreekTaskForce@potsdam.edu
- Chip Morris, Dean of Students morriswg@potsdam.edu
UPDATE: the following statement is from the Alpha Alumnae Association:
At this time Alpha is in the process of appealing the hearing board's decision. We will follow the appropriate channels and respect that there is a process in place that must be followed.
In regards to what we were charged with "Failure to Cooperate"-we were accused of taking in new members and acting as a sorority during a time when we were unrecognized. 2 anonymous witnesses formed the basis for these charges and despite providing evidence to the contrary, we were found guilty.
Alpha was slated to begin rush events in Fall 2015 and even worked in cooperation with the Greek Affairs office and Sheard Literacy Center on a 5k benefiting the Literacy Center in April 2015.
It was shortly after the announcement that we were returning and planning this fundraiser that anonymous members of the Greek community went to the school with their claims. My understanding is that this occurred in March yet charges were not issued until May, the week before finals, and the futures of our affiliate members were threatened by suspension and an inability to take finals, meaning they would have to return for one more semester and retake all classes from that semester or expulsion.
As an organization, the well being and futures of our members is most important. Our goal was to ensure these ladies graduated on time and without disciplinary notations on their transcripts. After, we focused on the organization's future.
Sent to all the above named persons: Dear Ms. Robbins,
ReplyDeleteI am terribly saddened to hear that Alpha Delta Kappa has been banned from SUNY Potsdam campus. My years as a member of Alpha were the best years of my life, leading to valuable professional and social contacts that have lasted a lifetime. I followed in the footsteps of my mom, an Alpha, Marleah Sanders Hobkirk (Potsdam Normal c. '1931), and my dad, Dr. J. Stuart Hobkirk, the faculty advisor for Alpha. The sorority was always a rich part of our family and educational life.
I do not know the particulars of whatever led to the punishment of the sorority, but I have been told that the hearings were based on rumors and the accusers identity was not made public for satisfactory refutation. Possible infractions of a few members should never allowed to bring down an entire organization. Who said, "The sins of a few cause the punishment of many"? In this day and age, we all can see the unfairness of such a mentality. Hopefully an appeal will be overseen by the administration of the college with compassion, understanding and fairness.
Barre Hobkirk Hall ('65 BA, '75 MA)
We need contact info on the board of trustees to make them aware of the abuise of power by Annette Robbins Julie Dold and William Morris!
ReplyDeleteAndrew Tarantino
Hello, This post was removed from the SUNY potsdam face book page!
ReplyDeleteAndrew J. Tarantino
7 hrs ·
SUNY Potsdam is refusing to allow Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority to continue as a Sorority, that has exited for 86 years! Shame on you SUNY Potsdam, shame on you !
To allow the the bulling and injustice that has taken place on this campus. My daughter was president of the National Honor Society and graduated with a 4.0 GPA !
She was falsely accused, as were 4 of her sorority sisters, by unnamed accusers of attempting to enlist future sisters. All 4 denied these false charges as well as all the supposed ghost pledges. The SUNY Potsdam staff, refused to believe 9 young women and instead believed two unnamed accusers!
These false charges were brought up 2 weeks before graduation and during finals! All based on gossip and lies by unnamed students!
My daughter and the other 4 Alpha women's diplomas and transcripts were withheld until they completed 100 hours of community service in three months for something that they were innocent of committing!
Martin Luther King said, "An injustice any where is an an injustice everywhere!"
SUNY Potsdam, should be ashamed of this abuse of power by Dean of Students and the student conduct staff!
Save Alpha, call and e-mail the president of SUNY and tell her this injustice will not stand!
Please repost this entire e-mail on the SUNY Potsdam facebook page and ask as many students as you can to do the same and sign the petition! Please help! PLEASE!
Please go to this link and sign the petition! DO it NOW! PLEASE!
Chancellor Nancy Zimpher, President Kristin Esterberg, Tom Reed: Stop SUNY Potsdam's Abuse of...
Many students that go through SUNY Potsdam’s Office of Student Conduct get treated unfairly. They lack many basic procedural protections normal institutions possess.…
this post was removed from the Potsdam Face Book page ! Copy and paste it there again if you are a student as I can not longer post on that FB page
Andrew J Tarantino
Great post! I think that many people don't understand who is "alpha woman" but they should know it! I can only say that alpha in the past and nowadays are not the same! Read https://kovla.com/blog/what-s-being-an-alpha-female/ it must open your eyes to this subject and you will know many new things! Enjoy)