"Borrowing" Each Others Stuff

Have you ever "borrowed" something from a fraternity or sorority?  This was great fun when I was an active (1988-1991).  Composites were the most common thing we'd snag.  Typically we'd sign the back and then hang it up at the House someplace.  We also used to paint our letters on the sidewalks in front of fraternities - with lots of giggling.

1961 Clarkson yearbook
What have you "borrowed" from another House?  Some alumni remember:
  • I remember finishing a night of raiding one night, with a composite from every sorority, and only getting stopped by one cop.
  • Taking every Zeta composite. On one night. Or multiple Arethusans
  • Raiding a fraternity for their new composite and painting our letters on the back 
  • I remember going from House to House trying to get our stuff back for our alumni weekend!
Two Omegas borrowing an AXP composite
1969 yearbook
1974 yearbook

1 comment:

  1. The year Animal House came out, a number of us from Alpha dressed all in black like in the movie; took Christmas trees from several fraternities and brought them back (decorations and all) to Alpha - party ensued
